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Find early literacy tips and children's books on the Children's Blog. Discover your next great read on the Books Movies Music Blog. Dig into Nashville history with the Community History Blog. Listen to stories, history, and culture on NPL Podcasts. Please see this Note for Readers.

family folk tales logo

Twin brothers both want to go off to see the world, but only one may go at a time. When the brother at home sees a sign that harm has come to his travelling brother, he leaves home to find him. Will he be in time to save his brother?

Banned Books Week is September 22-28, 2024. Here at NPL, we believe in the "Freadom" to read! Read on to discover some of our favorite banned & challenged picture books published in our current decade! You'll be surprised at the types of books that have been up for debate. We proudly offer all of these titles and more for check out here at Nashville Public Library. Happy Banned Books week!
Nashville Fire Dept Fire Log from Medic 5
During the Main Library's closure, I'm delving into the Fire Dept. Collection, which includes fascinating fire log books. As I sift through these records, I'm uncovering that they reveal much more than just fire runs and hall operations—they are a treasure trove of important Nashville history. 
your mind matters

In this season finale episode of Your Mind Matters, Bassam and Lana sit down with NPL's own Cynthia Moynihan to discuss how living with hidden disabilities can affect mental wellbeing.

family folk tales logo

A princess is destined to cause the deaths of her brothers, so her parents secure her in a tower. After the deaths of their parents, the princes free Princess Rosette, who is charmed when she sees a peacock; she declares she will marry only the King of the Peacocks. Will her brothers manage to arrange the marriage she wants, or will she be the cause of their deaths?