Bordeaux branch will be closed March 17–30 for renovations.
The Nashville Public Library has an abundance of resources including:
The Talking Library
Library Services for the Deaf/ Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind
An abundance of books and resources in various departments for all ages with creative interactive programs for everyone. Come explore today!
Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) - https://www.hearingloss.org/
Association of Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA) - https://alda.org/
Say What Club - https://www.saywhatclub.org/
Tennessee School for the Deaf - https://www.tsdeaf.org/
Metro Nashville ADA Compliance Division - https://www.nashville.gov/departments/general-services/ada-compliance
Tennessee Disability Coalition - https://www.tndisability.org/
MDHA Fair Housing - https://www.nashville-mdha.org/mdha-fair-housing/
Ranking of Kings (Manga and Anime)
Empowering your voice:
Toastmasters - https://www.toastmasters.org/
Nonviolent Communication - https://www.cnvc.org/
Share your stories of obstacles, opportunities and empowerment with Equal Access at the Nashville Public Library!