City of Nashville Birth Index, 1881–1913
Below is an index of all City of Nashville Births from 1881–1913. Please note that Tennessee did not begin keeping mandatory birth records state-wide until 1908. If you cannot find the name you are looking for, the birth may have been recorded with the county, or it may not have been recorded. Please contact Metro Archives if you would like to check our Davidson County Birth Index order a copy of a birth record.
Aaron–Aylor (pdf)
Baars–Bevy (pdf)
Bianconi–Blythe (pdf)
Boain–Bozalis (pdf)
Bracey–Brooks (pdf)
Broome–Brown (pdf)
Browning–Burton (pdf)
Burus–Byzette (pdf)
Cabble–Campbell (pdf)
Campion–Carnie (pdf)
Caro–Carter (pdf)
Carthidg–Cawthorn (pdf)
Cayce–Church (pdf)
Churchill–Clymore (pdf)
Cnptokovitz–Cyrus (pdf)
Dabiny–Dazey (pdf)
De Martini–Dizy (pdf)
Doak–Douglass (pdf)
Dougless–Dyzer (pdf)
Eaden–Ellis (pdf)
Ellison–Ezell (pdf)
Fagan–Fleisman (pdf)
Fleming–Frankland (pdf)
Gabard–Gilmore (pdf)
Ginard–Graham (pdf)
Grainger–Gwynn (pdf)
Haal–Harmond (pdf)
Harnal–Hattick (pdf)
Hatton–Heyne (pdf)
Hibbit–Hitchcock (pdf)
Hite–Hooper (pdf)
Hooser–Hyte (pdf)
Icenberger–Justice (pdf)
Kabeck–Kyles (pdf)
Labaudt–Lytle (pdf)
Ma Gruden–Marti (pdf)
Martin–Mazza (pdf)
McAbee–McWright (pdf)
Meacham–Montgomery (pdf)
Moody–Myrtle (pdf)
Nabers–Norvell (pdf)
Norville–Ozment (pdf)
Paatli–Quinne (pdf)
Rackman–Reese (pdf)
Reeser–Roache (pdf)
Roane–Rymon (pdf)
Saad–Scotts (pdf)
Smith–Spickard (pdf)
Spidell–Syrus (pdf)
Taber–Thompson (pdf)
Thomson–Tyson (pdf)
Uden–Vowell (pdf)
Waddel–Warren (pdf)
Warrey–Whune (pdf)
Wickley–Wilson (pdf)
Wimberger–Wyss (pdf)
Yaman–Zwinier (pdf)