So, I love Speculative Fiction-- mostly horror with side helpings of Splatterpunk, Cyberpunk, and Space Opera--which isn't a secret to most, except for the patrons who assume that librarians only read European canon like Daniel Defoe when Clive Barker is right there! I also adore graphic novels and audiobooks over traditional novels because I love pictures and being read to, which shouldn't be controversial, but apparently is. That being said, I've noticed a trend within myself that regardless of subgenre, dystopian or post-apocalyptic elements shine through with every work I read. According to my reading history, if the main characters aren't navigating fascist regimes while swaggering about, then I don't want it.
Maybe it's me grappling with the world around me, or it's because I'm skeptical of all things labeled perfect. Still, most of the worlds I love exploring the most have very dark implications under the surface. In no particular order, some of my favorite novels with dystopian and apocalyptic elements are as follows!