Bedtime Stories: Traditions Old & New
With daylight savings time drawing to an end, it's the perfect time to get cozy and snuggle up with our favorite bedtime stories — old and new! Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown is the ultimate timeless classic.
But have you heard of the many books that were inspired by Goodnight Moon? Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann and Goodnight Ganesha by Nadia Saloman offer two totally different, charmingly witty takes on this time-honored tale.
There is no question that children delight in being read to by parents or caregivers. Your child may ask time and again to be read Goodnight Moon, Where the Wild Things Are, or any favorite book for that matter! It may sometimes seem repetitive or boring to adults, but it feels so comforting to children. Repetition actually helps build vocabulary and other early literacy skills in kids who have not yet learned to read. A well-loved book can serve as a nice cherry on top of even the longest day. The message of Goodnight Moon is universal. Going to bed is an innately human (and animal) experience that we all must learn how to do.
When I was a child, I had the hardest time falling asleep. I was too excited about everything going on in my world — the Beanie Babies in my room, the songs on my Hello Kitty radio. But bedtime stories were a must (along with other traditions I invented to prolong my awake time!). Sharing stories is like a warm cup of tea, a much-needed medicine to counteract the constant stimulation of a hectic world.
Good Night, Gorilla
Good Night, Gorilla was always a favorite of mine. The story follows a trouble-making gorilla and his animal friends who sneak about the zoo after hours. Everyone's included, even the zookeeper! This clever and playful twist on an old classic makes a wonderful companion to the treasured favorite. Every child enjoys some lighthearted mischief, and this book is sure to amuse readers of all ages.