Highlighting the amazing Interlibrary Loan Department is never a wrong move, and one of the many fantastic treasures you can acquire through this service is the unusual or out-of-print picture book. Some truly delightful and occasionally weird children’s materials are no longer being released, which is no surprise, but not all of them can always be found within the vast children’s collection at NPL. Thankfully, the talented staff running the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) office can frequently track down and obtain these gems from yesteryear.
The few items mentioned here are from my own collection, and were either personal favorites I happened to own as a young’un, or books I often borrowed from the North Central Regional Library in Washington state. If you’ve read Curious George and Dr. Seuss a hundred billion times (justifiably loved though they may be), have a look at these other vintage titles you may have missed.