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Horrified by Homework? We’ve Got You Covered

August 11, 2020
Horrified by Homework? Don't Worry - We've Got You Covered

Beat the Schoolwork Slog with our Library’s Free Resources

Picture this: you’ve just finished a long day of work. All you want to do is flop on the couch and zone out with Netflix or a good read. (We’d recommend the good read, but we’re biased.)

No such luck, friend. You might want to veg, but the kids are begging for your help with homework. The thought of dealing with more geometry just makes your stomach churn. And dinner isn’t going to make itself ...

Does this sound like you?

We get it. The life of a parent or caregiver for school-aged children can be chaotic, especially with everything going on in the world right now. Coupled with a new system of online-exclusive learning, the back-to-school season may have you feeling like you’re chained to a treadmill set to max speed.

But don’t despair just yet. Nashville Public Library (NPL) has some free tools that are perfect for helping your kids get an A+ on their schoolwork, while you hang on to your sanity … mostly.

PowerKnowledge for Power Parenting

Think back to your middle school science classes. Do you remember how to follow the scientific method? How far the Earth is from the sun? How photosynthesis works?

No? Guess what: we don’t either! You can still swap science facts with your kids like a pro with PowerKnowledge.

With this online compendium of all things science, your kids can quickly look up key facts about the earth, space, life, and physical sciences they need to know now. Each subject in this series comes with a handy list of topics for easy navigation and a search function if you just can’t find what you’re looking for.

And don’t worry — PowerKnowledge is written so that third through fifth graders can easily understand it. You’ll never have to feel embarrassed about not knowing the difference between a neutron and a proton ever again.

To explore the different topics covered, visit PowerKnowledge Earth and Space, PowerKnowledge Life Science, and PowerKnowledge Physical Science.

Knowledge + Fun Games = Happy Kids (and Happier Adults)

What would you turn to if your kid said they needed to write an essay on the Tennessee Legislature for social studies class, a brief overview of Beethoven for music class, and a timeline of the American Revolution for history class?

Oh, and what if it was all due tomorrow?

If your answer is “dive under the couch,” we wouldn’t blame you. Fortunately, we have a better solution.

TEL4U is a free online resource compiled by the Tennessee Electronic Library. It features a wide range of digital databases that cover Tennessee state history; movies, music, and the arts; a full range of encyclopedias; and much more.

What’s more, TEL4U has a great collection of browser-based games and quizzes to make learning fun for your kids.

Or, at least, distracting enough so you can, just maybe, take a break.

Bonus: if your kid learns best through digital interactivity, check out ReadyRosie for quick, engaging videos covering a wide variety of early childhood and parenting topics delivered right to your inbox.

Books that Read for You (No, Really!)

Which would you prefer: struggling with exhaustion while you read to your child, your speech slurring like something from a horror film, or having a warm voice read for you while they follow along and explore new words at their leisure?

Unless your kids just love scary sounds, you probably chose option two. In that case, we’ve got something you’re going to love.

NPL’s collection of talking books come with audio players attached to the physical book. These simple-to-use devices feature recordings of books that your little ones can pause, fast-forward, and rewind as they follow along.

They get the joy of having a story read to them while they learn at their own pace; you don’t have to sound like a Walking Dead cast member. What’s not to love?

To find our talking book series, visit our online catalog and search for “vox book” or “wonderbook.” Place a hold on the Talking Book version of the titles you want, and then choose from any one of our eight curbside service locations to pick them up.

Plus - Want to earn free prizes while your children read? Sign up for Read to Rise, our early literacy rewards program for readers and “listeners” from birth to age five, and start racking up points today. And remember — talking books count for Summer Reading Challenge points, too!

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Some Ed's favorite books include Dracula, Once an EagleNeuromancerStarship TroopersThe Black CompanyBerserkBlade of the ImmortalBlame! and Vampire Hunter D