Beginning Monday, June 8, NPL is reopening select locations with curbside pickup service. Check out our website for all the details about which branches you can use and how that process works. The best part is that this new service includes Interlibrary Loan. Cool, right? We’re back for all your out-of-Davidson-County material needs.
What you need to know right now
- Any ILL materials previously checked out have been automatically renewed until July 15. These will need to come back at that time (i.e. we won’t be able to renew them for you again).
- Any ILL materials that had not been picked up prior to the library closure have also been renewed to July 15 (with no further renewals). If your regular branch library is not participating in our Phase 1 curbside service, your ILL holds have been relocated according to the Phase 1 plan and you may still pick them up at the participating branches.
- Any materials that came in during our closure have been processed and should be available for you to pickup at your curbside library option. You will receive a separate email if this applies to you.
- When you go to pickup your materials curbside, be sure to let library staff know you are also picking up ILL books. They can’t see your ILL account and might not know to check for extra books outside the regular NPL holds.
- If you have ILL materials you would like to return, now is the time to do that. You may return ILL books to ANY of our branches, not just the curbside pickup locations. Most of you know our usual policy is to not use the drop boxes, but we are making an exception for this occasion. Please do all you can to make sure the bookband is still on the book when returned, so things get sorted correctly in the delivery. If the bookband is damaged or missing, please make sure to mark the book in some way – rubber-banded note/bookmark, etc - that shows the book needs to go back to ILL.
- We don’t normally do a daily overdue fee, and that will continue to be the case. Since we renewed all the books until July 15, we won’t restart our overdue/billing process until August. However, if you are finished with your items, please feel free to return them now. We want to be good stewards of the materials from our fellow libraries and send them home sooner than later.
- You may start requesting new items. A note: we are happy to try and request anything (within normal ILL guidelines), however, it may take us a little longer to borrow your items. Only about half of our normal library friends are currently open and lending, but more are opening every day. It may take us a few more days and few more tries to borrow what you are looking for and we thank you for your patience as we work together to make this happen.
- If you no longer need or want the materials that you requested before our closure, please let us know, so we can return the materials back to their home libraries for other folks to use. The easiest way to do this is to call your curbside pickup library, let them know that you don’t need your ILL materials and have them sent back to the ILL office. You can also call or email the ILL office directly and let us know.
Ok, friends. If you have other questions about ILL please feel free to call (615) 862-5780 or email (interlibrary.loan@nashville.gov). Our normal office hours are 9-4:30, Monday through Friday.
We are excited to be back!
What can we do for you?
Happy ILL-ing…
:) Amanda