Not a day goes by where a parent (or a sweet little courageous child) doesn’t ask for a transportation themed book. We’re talking planes, trains, automobiles, ships, rockets, construction vehicles – you name it; they want it.
So, here are some of my favorite transportation books!
I Won by Ruth Wielockx
Join these competitors as they race to see who is the fastest – a cute story with a surprising ending!
Chugga Chugga Choo Choo by Emma Garcia
Travel with the little red train as it goes on adventures on the railroad track all day. A fun book with repetitive phrases your little one will enjoy saying over and over again!
Flight 1-2-3 by Maria Van Lieshout
Introduce your child to the concept of counting as you go on an airport journey in this engaging picture book.
Zoom, Rocket, Zoom by Margaret Mayo
Become an astronaut and discover space in this exciting escapade!
Construction by Sally Sutton
Every wonder how a library is made? Now you and your little one don’t have to! Learn about different what different construction vehicles do as they create the perfect addition to your community.