I first encountered Meghan O'Gieblyn in the 2018 edition of the Pushcart Prize, which included her Dispatch from Flyover Country. (Let me take this opportunity to exhort you, again, to read the annual Pushcart Prize anthology!) Thematically, this collection is mostly thoughts of a lapsed Christian and resident of the heartland. There are also great essays on AA, Mike Pence, and the possible technologically-aided resurrection(!).
This outstanding collection is shocking, disturbing, and timely. The Finkelstein Five and Zimmer Land, especially, are not-to-be-missed. However, you may need to mentally prepare yourself because these stories do not pull any punches.
I read this because of a review that said that this was the book that people in the future would read to discover what happened in (to?) America in 2016. I was RIVETED. My husband was, too, since I read about 30% of it to him out loud. It's that kind of book.