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Privacy is for Everyone

April 26, 2017

Be informed. Learn about your rights in a digital age during Choose Privacy Week, May 1-7.

Freedom from Surveillance

Who’s tracking you? What can you do to protect yourself online? The library defends your freedom to read and search for information without being surveilled every day and that’s why we’re celebrating Choose Privacy Week, May 1-7.

Choose Privacy Week is an initiative to raise awareness and engage conversations about privacy rights in the digital age. Your local library has resources to help keep you informed and safe online. Want to learn more? Come by an internet privacy workshop. NPL is hosting them at multiple branches this year for Choose Privacy Week. Check the events calendar for details.

Check out Privacy-Related Books and Movies

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Megan has worked in the library system for 10 years. Ze currently works at the Green Hills branch, but has also spent time in Special Collections and the Main Library Teen Center. Hir hobbies include playing cozy video games and watching horror and sci-fi films.