Here are five albums to get you started.
You can also check out Dylan's complete discography on Freegal.
Have trouble understanding the words as sung by Dylan? Here are a few recordings performed by others.
Critiques, appreciations, interviews, portraits, encyclopedias and Dylanologists' musings are numerous, but to date there is just a single autobiography:
You can also enjoy Bob Dylan on the screen.
Masked and Anonymous is a feature film co-starring Jeff Bridges and John Goodman.
D.A. Pennebaker's 1967 documentary of the '65 Dylan tour:
Martin Scorsese's 2005 documentary of the tumultuous years of Dylan's career between 1961 and 1966:
Six characters recreate different stages in Dylan's career:
Three easy books to share with your little ones:
"The only thing I knew how to do was to keep on keeping on." -Bob Dylan