Several times throughout the year, our team is asked to give suggestions on which book would make a great baby shower gift. We often hear, “I want to give something other than Goodnight Moon, but I have no idea where to start.”
Please note, there is absolutely nothing wrong with giving the book Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown as a shower gift. It is a wonderful book and a deservedly popular choice. Include the gift receipt because chances are the mother-to-be will be receiving multiple copies!
Fortunately, there are many fabulous books for little ones that are unlikely to be duplicated. So if your gift giving options need a little spiffing up, may we suggest a few tried and true favorites. These titles are not only enjoyable for little ones, but also enjoyable for the person reading aloud. If you want to preview the book before you buy it, each of these titles are available at the Nashville Public Library.