About the Community Partnership Funds
This year, the Community Partnership Fund (CPF) grant program is available for the period of March 1, 2020 through December 30, 2020. The goals remain and the hope is to continue to fund non-profits that are serving residents of Nashville-Davidson County. This funding is a vehicle for delivering services to the community not provided by Metro Nashville Government, as well as services that enhance existing Metro programs.
The total budget allotted to Nashville Public Library to disperse for FY 2021 is $200,000. In FY 2021, these funds will focus on the following priority area: serving audiences that are affected by COVID-19 and targeting these funds to mitigate that impact. Example, support for school-aged children and families related to education needs created or exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Non-profits may apply for up to $50,000. In the event that an insufficient number of competitive proposals are received to exhaust the $200,000 budget, then the evaluation committee has discretion to award more than $50,000 per non-profit. Similarly, the evaluation committee can partially fund proposals. In both scenarios, the coordinating Metro department will work with non-profits to revise the proposed scope of work accordingly.
Prior to the adoption of a resolution appropriating funds to a nonprofit organization or the expenditure of funds authorized in the operating budget ordinance as an appropriation to a nonprofit organization, such nonprofit organization shall submit to the metropolitan government the following information:
- A copy of its corporate charter or other articles, constitution, bylaws, or instruments of organization;
- A copy of a letter from the Internal Revenue Service evidencing the fact that the organization is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;
- A statement of the nature and extent of the organization's program that serves the residents of the metropolitan government;
- The proposed use of the funds to be provided by the metropolitan government;
- The proposed budget of the organization, indicating all sources of funds and a line-item identification of the proposed expenditure of metropolitan government funds;
- For organizations with an annual operating budget in excess of fifty thousand dollars receiving a grant or grants in excess of five thousand dollars during any one fiscal year, a copy of the organization's audit for the most recent fiscal year. For purposes of this subsection, "audit" means a formal examination of the organization's accounting records and financial situation in accordance with the generally accepted auditing standards issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Organizations that are exempt from submitting an audit from the most recent fiscal year pursuant to this subsection shall comply with the audit requirements of Tennessee Code Annotated Section 7-3-314.
Goals and Outcomes
Nashville Public Library (NPL) seeks to fund eligible non-profits who will provide innovative programs, services and activities that will positively impact third grade reading levels in Davidson County.
Application Process
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m., CST, August 14, 2020.
The evaluation panel will make grant award recommendations by the end of August. Applicants will receive notification of the panel’s recommendations at that time. Agencies selected to receive CARES Act awards will complete a contract with NPL in September 2020.
Questions and Grant Submission
For all inquiries, or to submit a proposal, please e-mail Kate Collingwood at kate.collingwood@nashville.gov. All applications must be received via e-mail by 5:00 PM CST, August 14, 2020.