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A dying king entrusts his son to the care of his servant, Trusty John. After helping the new king to secure a bride, how far will John go to serve the King?

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Do you know anything, or anyone, that is a finished project? Truth is, we always have another level to reach, more lessons to learn and laughter to enjoy. How do we release ourselves to the truth that nothing is ever "finished" including our growth, purpose and self-awareness?

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A king’s son is rewarded with a strange bundle by a once-enchanted young man. When he opens it, he finds more than he bargained for – and challenges for years to come!

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A princess is taken by a giant, who cuts off her feet; she is then rescued by Kisa, the cat she had as a young child. Kisa outsmarts the giant and his wife, recovers and reattaches the princess’s feet, and returns her to her parents. But that’s not the end of the story!